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Publication: Orange meets all of its 2022 goals for the entire year 2022

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    Press release

    Paris, 16 February 2023

    Financial information at 31 December 2022

    Orange achieves all its 2022 targets

    EBITDAaL growth and lower eCAPEX fuel strong increase in organic cash flow

    In millions of euros 4Q 2022change
     12M 2022change
    Revenues 11,3511.3 %1.8 % 43,4710.6 %2.2 %
    EBITDAaL 3,4488.5 %8.5 % 12,9632.5 %3.2 %
    Operating Income     4,801ns 90.4 %
    Consolidated net income     2,617 236.6 %
    eCAPEX (excluding licenses) 2,2278.9 %5.8 % 7,371(0.7)%(3.8)%
    EBITDAaL - eCAPEX 1,2217.6 %13.8 % 5,5937.2 %14.0 %
    Organic cash-flow (telecom activities)     3,058 27.4 %
    • Annual revenues for 2022 climbed 0.6%1 due to continued strong growth in Africa & Middle East (+6.4%) and the solid performance of retail services (+2.0%), boosted by price increases introduced in each of the Group’s European countries.
    • EBITDAaL reached almost 13 billion euros, rising 2.5% in line with the target, thanks to cost discipline. The robust performance of Africa & Middle East (+11.3%) fully offset the sharp decline in Enterprise (-18.8%). Europe grew 1.6% thanks to the recovery in Spain. All other segments contributed to EBITDAaL growth in 2022.

    EBITDAaL rose significantly in the fourth quarter (+8.5%) as a result of price increases achieved in Europe and a base effect linked to the 2021 employee shareholding plan. Excluding this base effect, EBITDAaL grew 2.9%.

    • Operating income of 4,801 million euros was 2,280 million euros higher year on year2 held back by the impairment of Romania.
    • Consolidated net income totaled 2,617 million euros, compared with 778 million euros in 20212.
    • eCAPEX fell 0.7% to less than 7.4 billion euros, in line with the target, due to fiber roll-out in France reaching maturity.
    • Organic cash flow from Telecom activities grew strongly to 3,058 million euros (+27.4% on a historical basis), in line with the target of at least 2.9 billion euros.
    • The net debt to EBITDAaL ratio for telecom activities of 1.93x was in line with the medium-term target of around 2x.
    • The Shareholders’ Meeting on 23 May 2023 will decide on the payment of a dividend of 0.70 euros per share for fiscal year 2022.

    Financial targets

    In 2023, Orange aims to achieve the following targets3:

    • Slight growth in EBITDAaL
    • Significant reduction in eCAPEX
    • Organic cash flow from telecom activities of at least 3.5 billion euros
    • Net debt/EBITDAaL ratio for telecom activities unchanged at around 2x in the medium term

    For the 2023 fiscal year, we will increase the dividend floor to 0.72 euros per share, including an interim dividend of 0.30 euros per share to be paid in December 2023, subject to approval by the Shareholders’ Meeting.

    Commenting on the publication of these results, Christel Heydemann, Chief Executive Officer of the Orange group, said:

    As we launch our new strategic plan “Lead the future”, I am proud to present these very solid results that deliver on all the objectives we set for the year, even in a context marked by strong inflation and geopolitical instability. I would like to highlight in particular the achievement of the growth ambition we set for EBITDAaL, with an increase of 2.5% for 2022. This performance was due to our “Scale up” operational efficiency programme that has delivered 700 million euros of cumulative net indirect cost savings since 2019, beating our objectives, as well as our ability to raise prices across our European footprint.

    The Africa and Middle East region has delivered excellent results, with a notable performance from Orange Money in the fourth quarter which succeeded in repositioning itself in a competitive market. In France, where the market continues to evolve at pace, we had good commercial momentum driven by the high quality of our customers’ experience as well as our net fiber and mobile sales. Also worthy of note was the excellent commercial performance in Europe which relies on convergence to drive the success of premium offers. In Spain, the turnaround is well underway and we’re seeing the fruits of our work there particularly in the increased margins achieved in the second half. In the Enterprise segment, the ongoing transformation of business models calls for the rigorous action plan that we’re presenting today.

    These results further confirm my confidence in the sense and relevance of our strategy for the years ahead. They clearly demonstrate the Group’s capacity to create value by concentrating on our fundamentals. I’d like to thank all of the Group’s teams around the world for their contribution to this performance. Today, we have a solid base from which to put our new strategic plan into action, working together and with determination. We’re targeting long-term growth and continual transformation to allow us to move forward both with agility and confidence.


    The Board of Directors of Orange SA met on 15 February 2023 to review the consolidated financial results at 31 December 2022. The Group’s Statutory Auditors have audited the Consolidated Financial Statements and the certification audit report will be issued in early March 2023.

    More detailed information on the Group’s financial results and performance indicators is available on the Orange website www.orange.com/en/consolidated-results.

    Comments on Group key figures


    Orange group revenues totaled 43,471 million euros in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 0.6%.

    Africa & Middle East was the main contributor to this growth, with revenues rising by 414 million euros (+6.4%), followed by Totem, whose revenues grew by 89 million euros (+14.9%). Europe saw a return to growth (+0.6%), with a strong recovery underway in Spain and solid performances in Poland (+4.7%) and Belgium (+2.0%).

    France recorded a decline of 193 million euros (-1.1%) due to lower revenues from wholesale services and despite a 3.1% increase in retail services excluding STN.

    In the fourth quarter of 2022, Orange group revenues rose 1.3% to 11,351 million euros. Growth continued to be driven by retail services4, which rose 2.5%, and IT & Integration services, which grew 10.8%, while the decline in wholesale services slowed to -2.9%. Totem confirmed its strong commercial momentum by signing a contract with Iliad.

    Customer base growth at 31 December 2022

    There were 11.6 million convergent customers Group-wide, an increase of 0.8% year on year.

    Mobile services had 241.9 million accesses, an increase of 5.9% year on year, including 94 million contracts, an increase of 8.9% year on year.

    Fixed services totaled 45.4 million accesses (down 2.6% year on year), including 14.2 million very high-speed broadband accesses, an area still growing strongly (+15.6% year on year). Fixed narrowband accesses decreased 13.8% year on year.


    Group EBITDAaL of 12,963 million euros in 2022 was up 2.5%, in line with the target.

    Africa & Middle East remained the main contributor to this performance with growth of 11.3%, easily offsetting the sharp decline in Enterprise, a priority focus for the Group, which fell 18.8% year on year.

    Europe grew 1.6% thanks to the recovery in Spain, where the trend is clearly improving (-4%, compared with -12.7% in 2021). All other segments also contributed to EBITDAaL growth in 2022. IC&SS improved by 141 million euros due to significant cost savings. France, buoyed by growth in retail services and major rationalization efforts, rose 0.4%, while Totem grew 5.4% and Orange Bank improved by 13 million euros.

    The fourth quarter saw significant EBITDAaL growth (+8.5%), even excluding the base effect of the employee shareholding plan at the end of 2021 (+2.9%).

    Cumulative net cost savings achieved from 20195 to 31 December 2022 under the Scale Up operational efficiency program totaled 700 million euros, exceeding the 2022 target (600 million euros). Excluding additional costs related to inflation, the Group would have achieved the net savings target of 1 billion euros a year ahead of schedule.

    These savings result mainly from changes in the workforce due to natural attrition, as well as the French part-time for seniors plans and the Group’s strict wage policy, along with ongoing optimization and rationalization efforts, primarily at headquarters and in support functions.

    EBITDAaL from telecom activities was 13,080 million euros, up 2.4%.

    Operating income

    Group operating income was 4,801 million euros, compared with 2,521 million euros on a historical basis in 2021. The 2022 result benefited from the increase in EBITDAaL. It was also affected by the goodwill impairment in Romania and by an additional provision for the better-than-expected success of the French part-time for seniors plans, whereas 2021 had been adversely affected by goodwill impairment in Spain and the initial provision for the French part-time for seniors plans, and positively affected by the gain on disposal of 50% of the FiberCos in France and Poland.

    Net income

    Orange consolidated net income at 31 December 2022 totaled 2,617 million euros, compared with 778 million euros in 2021 on a historical basis. The increase was mainly due to growth in operating income.


    eCAPEX fell 0.7% to 7,371 million euros, in line with the 2022 target. The Group’s three main countries scaled back their investments in 2022 due to the slowdown in the roll out of fiber, particularly in France where deployment is at an advanced stage and eCAPEX declined 365 million euros. At the same time, investments in Africa & Middle East, which will drive future growth in this region, rose by 191 million euros.

    The number of households connectable to FTTH reached 64.9 million (+14.8%) and the FTTH customer base increased to 13.7 million (+16%). In France and Poland, the customer bases grew by 20.6% and 23.9%, respectively.

    Organic cash flow

    Organic cash flow from Telecom activities at 31 December 2022 amounted to 3,058 million euros, in line with the target of at least 2.9 billion euros. The increase of 657 million euros was mainly due to the improvement in EBITDAaL and the reduction in eCAPEX.

    Changes in the asset portfolio

    On 8 November 2022, Orange acquired 100% of the capital of SCRT and Telsys, two Swiss companies offering cybersecurity services and IT solutions management. As a result of these acquisitions, Orange Cyberdefense now operates in nine European countries.

    Net financial debt

    Net debt stood at 25.3 billion euros at 31 December 2022, an increase of 1 billion euros compared with 2021. This was mainly due to the payment for 5G licenses in Belgium and Romania and 4G licenses in Egypt, and the redemption of a hybrid bond for 426 million pounds sterling in November.

    The ratio of net financial debt to EBITDAaL from telecom activities stood at 1.93x at 31 December 2022, in line with the medium-term target of around 2x.

    The telecoms activities’ strong liquidity position of 16.7 billion euros remains an important asset, particularly in the current economic environment.

    Review by operating segment


    In millions of euros 4Q 2022change
     12M 2022change
    Revenues 4,6910.1 %0.7 % 17,983(1.1)%(0.6)%
    Retail services (B2C+B2B) 2,7620.8 %0.8 % 10,9761.2 %1.2 %
    Convergence 1,2342.8 %2.8 % 4,8573.4 %3.4 %
    Mobile-only 5861.4 %1.4 % 2,3322.4 %2.4 %
    Fixed-only 942(2.1)%(2.1)% 3,787(2.2)%(2.2)%
    Wholesale 1,260(2.1)%(3.2)% 4,938(6.6)%(7.1)%
    Equipment sales 4312.0 %7.1 % 1,3234.2 %7.9 %
    Other revenues 2380.4 %11.4 % 746(3.4)%5.4 %
    EBITDAaL     6,6450.4 %(3.2)%
    EBITDAaL / Revenues     37.0 %0.5 pt(1.0 pt)
    Operating Income     3,36134.3 %26.7 %
    eCAPEX     3,429(9.6)%(16.7)%
    eCAPEX / Revenues     19.1 %(1.8 pt)(3.7 pt)

    Solid commercial performance and increased EBITDAaL

    France continued to post solid commercial performances in the fourth quarter. In fiber, it achieved 339,000 net additions during the quarter, bringing the total to 7.2 million customers at 31 December 2022 (compared with 5.9 million at the end of 2021).

    In mobile, Orange France recorded net additions excluding M2M of 144,000 in the fourth quarter and 581,000 for the whole of 2022, thereby achieving its best annual performance since 2017. The churn rate is at a historically low level.

    Convergent ARPO continued to rise (+2.0%), largely due to the success of the “Max” offer and the penetration of fiber and 5G. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) in mainland France was six points higher than in 2021.

    The fourth-quarter financial results reflect this strong operating performance. Revenue increased slightly (0.1%), buoyed by retail services, which grew 2.4% excluding STN6 and offset the decline in wholesale services.

    In 2022, EBITDAaL rose 0.4% compared with 2021, resulting in a 0.5-point increase in the EBITDAaL margin to 37%. The improvement in profitability is the result of significant cost reduction efforts, with France being the main contributor to the Scale Up operational efficiency program.

    Lastly, eCAPEX decreased by almost 10% in 2022 due to the advanced stage of fiber deployment in France, where 33.5 million households are now connectable, and due to the slower pace of customer connections compared with 2021.

    Against the backdrop of inflation, which will weigh more heavily in 2023, France has already introduced measures to bolster its operating profitability while continuing to reduce eCAPEX. Orange is participating in the ongoing price increases in the French market and will continue to reduce costs.


    In millions of euros 4Q 2022change
     12M 2022change
    Revenues 2,8732.1 %1.4 % 10,9620.6 %3.6 %
    Retail services (B2C+B2B) 1,9022.9 %2.6 % 7,3881.5 %4.9 %
    Convergence 7192.8 %2.2 % 2,8303.3 %4.0 %
    Mobile-only 7261.0 %0.7 % 2,869(0.7)%(0.6)%
    Fixed-only 3061.0 %(2.8)% 1,219(2.7)%12.1 %
    IT & Integration services 15018.7 %30.9 % 47119.1 %33.9 %
    Wholesale 466(6.9)%(8.3)% 1,828(7.0)%(3.1)%
    Equipment sales 4557.1 %6.9 % 1,5594.0 %4.6 %
    Other revenues 5121.4 %14.1 % 18720.5 %18.9 %
    EBITDAaL     2,7721.6 %(2.0)%
    EBITDAaL / Revenues     25.3 %0.3 pt(1.5 pt)
    Operating Income     (177)94.7 %93.9 %
    eCAPEX     1,8830.4 %(0.5)%
    eCAPEX / Revenues     17.2 %(0.0 pt)(0.7 pt)

    EBITDAaL growth driven by Retail Services

    Revenues in Europe continued to increase in the fourth quarter after returning to growth in the third quarter. Retail services rose 2.9%, again driven by convergence, the B2B market and the resumption of customer roaming, as well as from price increases achieved in all countries in the segment. The decline in revenue from wholesale services mainly reflects the regulatory reduction in call termination rates.

    EBITDAaL growth was 1.6% in 2022, after accelerating to 2.6% in the second half (versus 0.6% in the first half). This growth was mainly due to the recovery of roaming, price increases and strict cost discipline to offset inflation. Excluding Spain, European countries performed exceptionally well rising 5.8%. Price increases gradually introduced throughout the year helped to limit the effects of inflation in 2022 and are expected to fully offset the impact of inflation (including energy) in 2023.

    In Spain, the return to growth is confirmed with a further increase in revenue in the fourth quarter (+2.3%, compared with +0.2% in the third quarter). The stabilization of retail services over the quarter is due to the improved churn rate and the increase in convergent ARPO (+2.0%). For the full year, Spain's revenues remained down, falling 1.5% compared with -4.7% in 2021.

    The improving trend in EBITDAaL has continued each half (-9% in 2H 2021, -6.7% in 1H 2022, -1.5% in 2H 2022). For 2022 as a whole, EBITDAaL declined 4.0%. This performance results from the recovery plan initiated in 2020, involving the transformation of B2B activities and an ongoing effort to reduce costs. In 2022, it enabled the EBITDAaL – eCAPEX indicator and organic cash flow to return to growth, confirming Orange Spain’s objective of a return to strong EBITDAaL growth in 2023.

    Africa & Middle East

    In millions of euros 4Q 2022change
     12M 2022change
    Revenues 1,7565.7 %4.1 % 6,9186.4 %8.4 %
    Retail services (B2C+B2B) 1,5506.5 %5.6 % 6,1127.2 %9.6 %
    Mobile-only 1,3365.5 %4.1 % 5,2726.1 %8.0 %
    Fixed-only 20510.8 %15.0 % 80012.8 %20.4 %
    IT & Integration services 998.2 %39.0 % 4063.5 %30.1 %
    Wholesale 167(1.0)%(6.3)% 6631.1 %1.4 %
    Equipment sales 25(13.8)%(19.4)% 104(6.6)%(6.8)%
    Other revenues 1377.7 %54.5 % 3910.5 %7.7 %
    EBITDAaL     2,58411.3 %14.0 %
    EBITDAaL / Revenues     37.3 %1.6 pt1.8 pt
    Operating Income     1,66524.5 %29.0 %
    eCAPEX     1,27117.7 %19.4 %
    eCAPEX / Revenues     18.4 %1.8 pt1.7 pt

    Double-digit growth in EBITDAaL

    Africa & Middle East revenue rose 5.7% in the fourth quarter, again fueled by its growth engines (mobile data +18%, fixed broadband +20% and B2B +16%).

    The mobile customer base grew 6% to reach 143 million at the end of 2022. This includes 53 million 4G customers, an increase of 19%. Orange Money’s active customer base grew 16% to 29 million, while the fixed broadband customer base reached 2.8 million, an increase of 24%.

    Orange Money generated annual revenue of 461 million euros and returned to growth in the fourth quarter (+5.7%) due to the swift and decisive implementation of the response plan, which resulted in an increase in the value of transactions to a record 100 billion euros in 2022.

    Year on year, EBITDAaL grew 11.3%, continuing to outpace revenue growth owing to tight control over indirect costs. As a result, the EBITDAaL margin rose 1.6 points to over 37%.


    In millions of euros 4Q 2022change
     12M 2022change
    Revenues 2,1360.9 %4.0 % 7,9300.2 %2.2 %
    Fixed-only 866(6.7)%(3.8)% 3,466(6.7)%(4.6)%
    Voice 253(7.7)%(6.0)% 1,018(8.9)%(8.0)%
    Data 613(6.3)%(2.8)% 2,448(5.7)%(3.1)%
    IT & Integration services 1,0109.8 %14.2 % 3,4896.6 %9.2 %
    Mobile 260(3.2)%(3.2)% 9755.0 %5.0 %
    Mobile-only 1714.4 %4.4 % 6593.5 %3.6 %
    Wholesale 113.6 %3.6 % 41(2.1)%(2.1)%
    Equipment sales 78(17.1)%(17.1)% 2759.7 %9.7 %
    EBITDAaL     804(18.8)%(17.1)%
    EBITDAaL / Revenues     10.1 %(2.4 pt)(2.4 pt)
    Operating Income     317(35.7)%(33.0)%
    eCAPEX     3322.0 %4.3 %
    eCAPEX / Revenues     4.2 %0.1 pt0.1 pt

    Slower decline in EBITDAaL in the second half. Recovery plan for Orange Business Services to be accelerated

    Enterprise revenue grew slightly both in the fourth quarter and year on year thanks to growth in IT & Integration and mobile services, which offset the decline in legacy activities. With full-year revenue of 977 million euros, Orange Cyberdefense almost reached its target of 1 billion euros a year ahead of schedule.

    For 2022 as a whole, EBITDAaL fell sharply as the decline in Voice and Data services gathered pace, without being offset by growth drivers with lower margins. The decline was less marked in the second half than in the first (-12.5% in 2H, compared with -25.3% in 1H) in part due to the employee shareholding program, which had a negative impact on EBITDAaL in the second half of 2021. Excluding this base effect, EBITDAaL would have fallen 17% in the second half of 2022.

    The recovery plan for Orange Business Services is a priority for the Group.


    In millions of euros 4Q 2022change
     12M 2022change
    Revenues 18825.0 %- 68514.9 %-
    Wholesale 18825.0 %- 68514.9 %-
    Other revenues --- ---
    EBITDAaL     3715.4 %-
    EBITDAaL / Revenues     54.2 %(4.9 pt)-
    Operating Income     2528.3 %-
    eCAPEX     14268.6 %-
    eCAPEX / Revenues     20.8 %6.6 pt-

    Robust revenue growth

    At the end of 2022, Totem had 19,500 sites in France (a year-on-year increase of 400) and 7,600 sites in Spain (a year-on-year decrease of 100 due to the decommissioning plan under the network sharing agreement with Vodafone).

    In 2022, revenue grew 15% and EBITDAaL rose 5.4%, despite the installation costs of the new entity.

    After signing an agreement with Telefonica for the roll-out of 5G in Spain and winning the tender for the network roll-out on the 15 South line of the Grand Paris subway, Totem confirmed its good commercial momentum in the fourth quarter by signing an agreement with Iliad in France. External hosting revenue thus increased by more than 10% in 2022, while the tenancy ratio reached 1.37 tenants per site at the end of 2022, the first step toward meeting the target of 1.5 by 2026.

    International Carriers & Shared Services

    In millions of euros 4Q 2022change
     12M 2022change
    Revenues 3902.7 %2.3 % 1,5401.7 %1.6 %
    Wholesale 259(2.3)%(1.9)% 1,060(0.1)%0.4 %
    Other revenues 13114.3 %11.9 % 4806.0 %4.4 %
    EBITDAaL     (96)59.7 %59.7 %
    EBITDAaL / Revenues     (6.2)%9.4 pt9.4 pt
    Operating Income     (417)53.2 %na
    eCAPEX     27814.4 %14.4 %
    eCAPEX / Revenues     18.1 %2.0 pt2.0 pt

    Revenues from International Carriers and Shared Services rose 2.7% in the fourth quarter. International wholesale services were stable for the 12-month period, with the decline in voice services being offset by other services and the recovery of roaming.

    Over the year as a whole, the decline in EBITDAaL was significantly reduced due to increased revenues and reduced expenses principally related to the optimization of real estate portfolio. In addition, the 2021 fiscal year had been affected by the 2021 employee shareholding program.

    Mobile Financial Services

    In millions of euros     12M 2022change
    Net Banking Income (NBI)     1156.0 %6.0 %
    Cost of bank credit risk     (45)(1.7)%(1.7)%
    Operating Income     (200)(10.0)%(10.0)%
    eCAPEX     3548.0 %48.0 %

    Net banking income (NBI) from Mobile Financial Services increased 6% in 2022 to 115 million euros. This was driven by Dolphin offers in Spain, the growth in accounts and lending (including the new express loan) in France and the launch of new offers (consumer credit and microcredit) in Africa.

    At the end of 2022, Mobile Financial Services had 2 million customers in Europe and 1.1 million customers in Africa.

    EBITDAaL improved by 13 million euros year on year while operating income fell 10%, mainly due to asset impairment following the deterioration of the business plan in a challenging economic climate.

    Calendar of upcoming events

    27 April 2023- Publication of 1st quarter 2023 results



    This press release contains forward-looking statements about Orange’s financial situation, results of operations and strategy. Although we believe these statements are based on reasonable assumptions, they are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, including matters not yet known to us or not currently considered material by us, and there can be no assurance that anticipated events will occur or that the objectives set out will actually be achieved. More detailed information on the potential risks that could affect our financial results is included in the Universal Registration Document filed on 31 March 2022 with the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF) and in the annual report (Form 20-F) filed on 1st April 2022 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Other than as required by law, Orange does not undertake any obligation to update them in light of new information or future developments.

    Appendix 1: financial key indicators

    Quarterly data

    In millions of euros 4Q 20224Q 2021
    4Q 2021
    Revenues 11,35111,20411,1481.3 %1.8 %
    France 4,6914,6874,6580.1 %0.7 %
    Europe 2,8732,8152,8332.1 %1.4 %
    Africa & Middle-East 1,7561,6611,6875.7 %4.1 %
    Enterprise 2,1362,1162,0530.9 %4.0 %
    Totem 188150-25.0 %-
    International Carriers & Shared Services 3903793812.7 %2.3 %
    Intra-Group eliminations (683)(605)(464)  
    EBITDAaL (1) 3,4483,1793,1798.5 %8.5 %
    o/w Telecom activities 3,4803,2243,2257.9 %7.9 %
    As % of revenues 30.7 %28.8 %28.9 %1.9 pt1.7 pt
    o/w Mobile Financial Services (32)(46)(46)29.1 %29.1 %
    eCAPEX 2,2272,0452,1068.9 %5.8 %
    o/w Telecom activities 2,2122,0352,0968.7 %5.5 %
    as % of revenues 19.5 %18.2 %18.8 %1.3 pt0.7 pt
    o/w Mobile Financial Services 16101060.4 %60.4 %
    EBITDAaL - eCAPEX 1,2211,1341,0737.6 %13.8 %

    (1)  EBITDAaL presentation adjustments are described in Appendix 2.

    31 December data

    In millions of euros 12M 202212M 2021
    12M 2021
    Revenues 43,47143,19542,5220.6 %2.2 %
    France 17,98318,17518,092(1.1)%(0.6)%
    Europe 10,96210,89810,5790.6 %3.6 %
    Africa & Middle-East 6,9186,5046,3816.4 %8.4 %
    Enterprise 7,9307,9177,7570.2 %2.2 %
    Totem 685596-14.9 %-
    International Carriers & Shared Services 1,5401,5131,5151.7 %1.6 %
    Intra-Group eliminations (2,547)(2,408)(1,802)  
    EBITDAaL (1) 12,96312,64512,5662.5 %3.2 %
    o/w Telecom activities 13,08012,77512,6962.4 %3.0 %
    As % of revenues 30.1 %29.6 %29.9 %0.5 pt0.2 pt
    France 6,6456,6206,8670.4 %(3.2)%
    Europe 2,7722,7282,8301.6 %(2.0)%
    Africa & Middle-East 2,5842,3222,26511.3 %14.0 %
    Enterprise 804990970(18.8)%(17.1)%
    Totem 371352-5.4 %-
    International Carriers & Shared Services (96)(237)(237)59.7 %59.7 %
    o/w Mobile Financial Services (118)(131)(131)10.0 %10.0 %
    Operating Income 4,8011222,521ns 90.4 %
    o/w Telecom activities 5,0003032,702ns85.1 %
    o/w Mobile Financial Services (200)(182)(182)(10.0)%(10.0)%
    Consolidated net income 2,617 778-236.6 %
    Net income attributable to equity owners of the Group 2,146 233 ns
    eCAPEX 7,3717,4267,660(0.7)%(3.8)%
    o/w Telecom activities 7,3357,4027,636(0.9)%(3.9)%
    as % of revenues 16.9 %17.1 %18.0 %(0.3 pt)(1.1 pt)
    o/w Mobile Financial Services 35242448.0 %48.0 %
    EBITDAaL - eCAPEX 5,5935,2194,9067.2 %14.0 %
    Organic cash-flow (telecom activities) 3,058 2,401 27.4 %

    (1)  EBITDAaL presentation adjustments are described in Appendix 2.

    In millions of euros 31 December
    At 31 Dec.
    Net financial debt (1) 25,29824,269
    Ratio of financial debt / EBITDAaL from telecom activities (2) 1.931.91

    Appendix 2: adjusted data to income statement items

    Quarterly data

      4Q 2022 4Q 2021
    historical basis
    In millions of euros Adjusted data,Presentation adjustments,Income statement, Adjusted data,Presentation adjustments,Income statement,
    Revenues 11,351-11,351 11,148-11,148
    External purchases (5,100)(9)(5,109) (4,919)(20)(4,939)
    Other operating income 1971197 24353296
    Other operating expense (56)(27)(83) (217)(92)(309)
    Labor expenses (2,179)(316)(2,496) (2,270)(1,255)(3,525)
    Operating taxes and levies (315)(2)(317) (363)(5)(368)
    Gains (losses) on disposal of fixed assets, investments and activities na9898 na2,1332,133
    Restructuring costs na(39)(39) na(47)(47)
    Depreciation and amortization of financed assets (32)-(32) (21)-(21)
    Depreciation and amortization of right-of-use assets (370)-(370) (388)-(388)
    Impairment of right-of-use assets -(63)(63) 0(31)(31)
    Interests expenses on liabilities related to financed assets (2)2na (0)0na
    Interests expenses on lease liabilities (44)44na (34)34na
    EBITDAaL 3,448(312)na 3,179771na
    Significant litigation (5)5na (45)45na
    Specific labour expenses (315)315na (1,256)1,256na
    Fixed assets, investments and business portfolio review 98(98)na 2,133(2,133)na
    Restructuring program costs (103)103na (78)78na
    Acquisition and integration costs (34)34na (18)18na
    Interests expenses on liabilities related to financed assets na(2)(2) na(0)(0)
    Interests expenses on lease liabilities na(44)(44) na(34)(34)

    31 December data

      12M 2022 12M 2021
    historical basis
    In millions of euros Adjusted data,Presentation adjustments,Income statement, Adjusted data,Presentation adjustments,Income statement,
    Revenues 43,471-43,471 42,522-42,522
    External purchases (18,707)(24)(18,732) (17,950)(23)(17,973)
    Other operating income 7452747 73053783
    Other operating expense (367)(47)(413) (535)(165)(700)
    Labor expenses (8,537)(383)(8,920) (8,626)(1,291)(9,917)
    Operating taxes and levies (1,879)(3)(1,882) (1,890)(36)(1,926)
    Gains (losses) on disposal of fixed assets, investments and activities na233233 na2,5072,507
    Restructuring costs na(125)(125) na(331)(331)
    Depreciation and amortization of financed assets (107)-(107) (84)-(84)
    Depreciation and amortization of right-of-use assets (1,507)-(1,507) (1,481)-(1,481)
    Impairment of right-of-use assets (1)(52)(54) 0(91)(91)
    Interests expenses on liabilities related to financed assets (3)3na (1)1na
    Interests expenses on lease liabilities (145)145na (120)120na
    EBITDAaL 12,963(251)na 12,566744na
    Significant litigation (9)9na (134)134na
    Specific labour expenses (372)372na (1,276)1,276na
    Fixed assets, investments and business portfolio review 233(233)na 2,507(2,507)na
    Restructuring program costs (177)177na (422)422na
    Acquisition and integration costs (74)74na (51)51na
    Interests expenses on liabilities related to financed assets na(3)(3) na(1)(1)
    Interests expenses on lease liabilities na(145)(145) na(120)(120)

    Appendix 3: economic CAPEX to investments in property, plant and intangible investment

    In millions of euros 4Q 20224Q 2021
     12M 202212M 2021
    eCAPEX 2,2272,106 7,3717,660
    Elimination of proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 15564 347163
    Telecommunication licenses 589213 1,060926
    Financed assets 9416 22940
    Investments in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 3,0652,399 9,0078,789

    Appendix 4: key performance indicators

    In thousand, at the end of the period 31 December
     31 December
    Number of convergent customers 11,628 11,533
    Number of mobile accesses (excluding MVNOs) (1) 241,855 228,448
    o/wConvergent customers mobile accesses 21,325 20,937
     Mobile only accesses 220,530 207,511
    o/wContract customers mobile accesses 94,015 86,356
     Prepaid customers mobile accesses 147,840 142,092
    Number of fixed accesses (2) 45,358 46,559
     Fixed Retail accesses 30,904 31,313
      Fixed Broadband accesses 24,332 23,685
      o/wVery high‑speed broadband fixed accesses 14,217 12,302
       Convergent customers fixed accesses 11,628 11,533
       Fixed accesses only 12,704 12,152
      Fixed Narrowband accesses 6,572 7,628
     Fixed Wholesale accesses 14,453 15,246
    Group total accesses (1+2) 287,212 275,006

    2021 data is presented on a comparable basis.

    Key performance indicators (KPIs) by country are presented in the “Orange Investors Databook Q2 2022,” available on www.orange.com, under Finance/Results: www.orange.com/en/latest-consolidated-results

    Appendix 5: glossary

    Key figures

    Data on a comparable basis: data based on comparable accounting principles, scope of consolidation and exchange rates are presented for previous periods. The transition from data on an historical basis to data on a comparable basis consists of keeping the results for the period ended and then restating the results for the corresponding period of the preceding year for the purpose of presenting, over comparable periods, financial data with comparable accounting principles, scope of consolidation and exchange rate. The method used is to apply to the data of the corresponding period of the preceding year, the accounting principles and scope of consolidation for the period just ended as well as the average exchange rate used for the income statement for the period ended. Changes in data on a comparable basis reflect organic business changes. Data on a comparable basis is not a financial aggregate as defined by IFRS and may not be comparable to similarly-named indicators used by other companies.

    EBITDAaL or “EBITDA after Leases”: operating income (i) before depreciation and amortization of fixed assets, effects resulting from business combinations, reclassification of cumulative translation adjustment from liquidated entities, impairment of goodwill and fixed assets, share of profits (losses) of associates and joint ventures, (ii) after interest on debts related to financed assets and on lease liabilities, and (iii) adjusted for significant litigation, specific labour expenses, fixed assets, investments and businesses portfolio review, restructuring programs costs, acquisition and integration costs and, where appropriate, other specific elements. EBITDAaL is not a financial aggregate as defined by IFRS standards and may not be directly comparable to similarly-named indicators in other companies.

    eCAPEX or “economic CAPEX”: (i) acquisitions of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, excluding telecommunications licenses and financed assets, (ii) less the price of disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets. eCAPEX is not a financial performance indicator as defined by IFRS standards and may not be directly comparable to indicators referenced by similarly-named indicators in other companies.

    Organic Cash Flow (telecoms activities): for the perimeter of the telecoms activities, net cash provided by operating activities, minus (i) lease liabilities repayments and debts related to financed assets repayments, and (ii) purchases and sales of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, net of the change in the fixed assets payables, (iii) excluding effect of telecommunication licenses paid and significant litigations paid or received. Organic Cash Flow (telecoms activities) is not a financial aggregate defined by IFRS and may not be comparable to similarly-named indicators used by other companies.

    Retail services (B2C + B2B): aggregation of revenues from (i) Convergent services, (ii) Mobile-only services, (iii) Fixed-only services and (iv) IT & integration services (see definitions). Retail Services (B2C+B2B) revenues include all revenues of a given scope excluding revenues from wholesale services, equipment sales and other revenues (see definitions).

    Performance indicators

    Fixed retail accesses: number of fixed broadband accesses (xDSL (ADSL and VDSL), FTTx, cable, Fixed-4G (fLTE) and other broadband accesses (satellite, Wimax and others)) and fixed narrowband accesses (mainly PSTN) and payphones.

    Fixed wholesale accesses: number of fixed broadband and narrowband wholesale accesses operated by Orange.


    Convergent services: customer base and revenues from B2C Convergent retail offers, excluding equipment sales (see definition) defined as an offer combining at least a broadband access (xDSL, FTTx, cable or Fixed-4G (fLTE) with cell-lock) and a mobile voice contract (excluding MVNOs).

    Convergent ARPO: average quarterly revenues per convergent offer (ARPO) calculated by dividing revenues from retail Convergent services offers invoiced to B2C customers generated over the past three months (excluding IFRS 15 adjustments) by the weighted average number of retail Convergent offers over the same period. ARPO is expressed by monthly revenues per convergent offer.

    Mobile-only services

    Mobile-only services: revenues from mobile offers (mainly outgoing calls: voice, SMS and data) invoiced to retail customers, excluding convergent services and equipment sales (see definitions). The customer base includes customers with a contract excluding retail convergence, machine-to-machine contracts and prepaid cards.

    Mobile-only ARPO: average quarterly revenues from Mobile-only (ARPO) calculated by dividing revenues from Mobile-only retail services (excluding machine-to-machine and IFRS 15 adjustments) generated over the past three months by the weighted average of Mobile-only customers (excluding machine-to-machine) over the same period. The ARPO is expressed as monthly revenues per Mobile-only customer.

    Fixed-only services

    Fixed-only services: revenues from fixed retail offers, excluding B2C convergent offers and equipment sales (see definitions). It includes (i) fixed narrowband services (conventional fixed telephony), (ii) fixed broadband services, and (iii) business solutions and networks (with the exception of France, for which essential business solutions and networks are supported by Enterprise). For the Enterprise segment, Fixed-only service revenues include sales of network equipment related to the operation of voice and data services. The customer base consists of fixed narrowband and fixed broadband customers, excluding retail convergence customers.

    Fixed-only Broadband ARPO: average quarterly revenues from Fixed-only Broadband (ARPO) calculated by dividing the revenue from Fixed-only Broadband retail services (excluding IFRS 15 adjustments) generated over the past three months by the weighted average of Fixed-only Broadband customers over the same period. ARPO is expressed as monthly revenues per Fixed-only Broadband customer.

    IT & integration services

    IT & Integration services: revenues from unified communication and collaboration services (Local Area Network and telephony, advising, integration and project management), hosting and infrastructure services (including Cloud Computing), applications services (customer relations management and other applications services), security services, video conferencing offers, machine-to-machine services (excluded connectivity) as well as sales of equipment related to the above products and services.


    Wholesale: revenues from other carriers consists of (i) mobile services to other carriers including incoming traffic, visitor roaming, network sharing, national roaming and Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs), and (ii) fixed services to other carriers including national networking, services to international carriers, high-speed and very high-speed broadband access (fibre access, unbundling of telephone lines and xDSL access sales) and the sale of telephone lines on the wholesale market.

    Equipment sales

    Equipment sales: revenues from all mobile and fixed equipment sales, excluding (i) equipment sales associated with the supply of IT & Integration services, (ii) sales of network equipment related to the operation of voice and data services in the Enterprise operating segment, and (iii) equipment sales to dealers and brokers.

    Other revenues

    Other revenues: revenues including (i) equipment sales to brokers and dealers, (ii) portal, (iii) on-line advertising revenues, (iv) corporate transversal business line activities, and (v) other miscellaneous revenues.

    1 Unless otherwise stated, the changes presented in this press release are on a comparable basis (i.e. excluding the effects of changes in the scope of consolidation and foreign exchange rates)
    2 Data on a historical basis
    3 These targets are based on comparable data and do not take into account mergers and acquisitions that have not yet been finalized.
    4 Services invoiced to customers (B2C + B2B). See definition in the attached glossary
    5 On the defined scope of 13.8 billion euros, corresponding to the Group’s indirect costs in 2019 excluding (i) Africa & Middle East and Mobile Financial Services and (ii) labor expenses, other network expenses and IT expenses for Enterprise IT & Integration Services

    6 Revenue from the Switched Telephone Network

    7 Totem is the European company within the Orange group that owns and manages the passive mobile infrastructure portfolio of telecommunication towers (initially in France and Spain). It began operating in late 2021. Since 1 January 2022, Totem has been presented as a new business segment.

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